我爲在這次襲擊中國四川省的災難性地震造成的重大傷亡深感悲痛。我謹向在5月12日強烈地震中受到直接影響的家庭,致以我深切的同情和誠摯的哀悼。我爲地震中逝去的所有生命和傷者祈禱!達賴喇嘛2008年5月13日I am deeply saddened by the loss of many lives and many more who have been injured in the catastrophic earthquake that struck Sichuan province of China. I would like to extend my deep sympathy and heartfelt condolences to those families who have been directly affected by the strong earthquake on 12 May 2008. I offer my prayers for those who have lost their lives and those injured in the quake.